Do you have a dry, itching, flaking scalp? Well let me tell you, this product could be what you're looking for!
Why did I try T-Gel?
Since I was put on very strong Acne medication (age 12) I have had terribly dry skin on my scalp (a side effect of the drug). At the time, the Dermatologist supplied me with Nizoral, a powerful (but pretty pink coloured!) psoriasis treatment for the scalp. Nizoral retails for about £7 (around the cost of a prescription, UK). While this product is good, it can't be used daily, and this is what I need to keep my scalp under control.
Now that my acne is under control (I still get flare ups now and again) my scalp has improved, however I still need to have that dandruff shampoo handy, just to keep it at bay. I have tried T-Gel shampoos before, and the main turn off is the AWFUL SMELL! If you have ever tried T-Gel then you'll know what I mean! This meant that I stopped using the product, and inevitably my dry itching scalp returned......
What makes the T-Gel for Dry hair different?
So now that I'd stopped using the regular T-Gel, what could I do? I was looking around the specialist shampoo section in Boots, and came across the T-Gel for Dry Hair. It claimed to do the same as their other shampoos, but be milder and more nourishing for your hair. It does just this! The clear colour suggests that there wouldn't be that awful smell, and yay, it has no trademark T-Gel whiff! This product is great for clearing your scalp, and you can even use it daily because it's not as harsh as their other products. It removes the flakes and excess oil gently and leaves my hair looking silky.
How do I use my T-Gel for Dry Hair?
I use my T-Gel Shampoo for Dry Hair, whenever I feel my scalp getting that little bit flaky (especially in the cold weather). At the moment, my daily shampoo is Tresemme moisture (I will be doing a review on this product) and I feel that these work great together! My routine:
1. wet hair, use a 50p sized amount and lather in to hair
2. massage in to scalp to dislodge any flakes
3. rinse well (repeat if necessary, I find once is enough)
4. follow with conditioner (I like Herbal essences 'beautiful ends')
I am glad I've found something which I can
keep in my bathroom, in case of a flaky, itchy scalp!
Pro's: Con's:
- nourishes hair whilst clearing the scalp - I can't think of any con's!
- price (around £4)
- no smell (yay!)
- suitable for daily use

I hope that this review has been of some help, feel free to leave any comments regarding the product or your own experiences!
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