After I bought them I read some reviews and found that a lot of people with sensitive skin (like me) simply couldn't use Piz Buin as it irritated. This got me worried... However I can say that it is by far my favourite sunscreen, I love it!
For pale skin like mine, factor 30 is perfect to put on in the morning, and then the 15 tan intensifier is great to apply throughout the day. I went to Spain that year and it was scorching, I didn't get burnt once!!
It has a great summery scent, unlike any I've smelt before with a sun cream! I re purchased this year before going to America and it did the job, even in heat of around 90degrees farenheight it worked really well. The factor 15 is perfect for this heat wave we're having in the UK at the moment and I really do recommend trying it! It's permanently on offer in Bodycare (there's one in Manchester... Not sure about anywhere else) and are around £5 :) I've also seen it in Boots, Superdrug & other supermarkets like Tesco! I'll update if I see any deals!!
Just a quick review on a sun care brand I'm really loving, hopefully this has been helpful! Thanks for reading, Lucy xxx
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