For Combination skin (Dry & Oily)
So if you've read some of my other posts, you'll have seen that I've tried various Clinique 3-step systems, including the Anti-blemish range and skin type 1. I've tried sticking with these regimes, but haven't noticed significant differences whilst using them... so I've decided to ditch their suggested ones and create my own, swap products around and that sort of thing :)

I still need to be careful what I'm using on my skin, as I am acne prone and have quite sensitive skin. So I decided to go with the Mild Facial Wash. To satisfy my dry areas, I have chosen Clarifying Lotion '2' For Dry Combination skin.
So far so good with this regime.... I've been using it for a couple of days now, and my skin is feeling really soft and supple. Make up goes on better and I think some of the spots on my chin are clearing up (will have to do an update on this!) all I know is that this regime isn't making it worse! Which is great as products often irritate my skin and cause me to break out!
Wishlist: Clinique Exfoliating Scrub
Heard a lot of good reviews on this scrub, and apparently it's effective enough to get rid of dead skin, but also the beads are gentle enough not to irritate the skin too much, which happens if the grains are too rough!
Thanks for reading and I'd like to hear about your skin regime!
What works well for you?
Lucy x
Lucy x
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